Terms of Service

Effective January 1, 2023

Blinkfire Inventory Manager Addendum


New! Please read our FAQ especially if you are an attorney asked to review these terms.

These Terms of Service ("Agreement") govern your access to and use of the service(s) ("Service" or "Services") provided by Blinkfire Analytics, Inc. ("Blinkfire Analytics", "we" or "us") through our website (the "Site") or through other communication platforms, including applications on your mobile device (each, an "Application"). Please read this Agreement carefully. By accessing the Service or by accessing or downloading any associated reports, media, materials, or "online" or electronic documentation (collectively, "Licensed Materials"), you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use the Service or Licensed Materials.

You are licensing an online software service from Blinkfire Analytics, and thus our relationship is that of Licensor and Licensee. Blinkfire Analytics is not an Independent Contractor or subcontractor performing services on your behalf, and there is no Statement of Work that will be defined in your licensing of the Service.

This specific addendum to the General Terms of Service are for Blinkfire Inventory Manager ("BIM"). Customer is the entity accepting these Terms of Service, and Sponosor is the entity which pays the Customer for sponsorship or sponsorship activations.

The agreement between Customer and Sponsor may be called "Media Agreement", "Sponsorship Contract", or "Activation Order" interchangably in this agreement.

This Agreement may be amended by Blinkfire Analytics from time to time. If we make material changes to the Agreement, we will notify you by email at the email address you provide with your user account information. You agree that such amended Agreement will be effective thirty (30) days after our dispatch of a notice to you, and your continued access to or use of the Service or Licensed Material thereafter shall constitute your acceptance of the amended Agreement.

1. Accurate Data Entry

In order to create accurate reports and recommendations, you must enter certain pieces of data honestly and correctly. Failure to do so removes all liability from Blinkfire in correctly reporting prices, recommending prices, and accurately reporting on activations and campaigns. Specifically:

  1. Entering in incorrect prices paid for campaings may result in incorrect ROI calculations, and pricing and rate card recommendations will not be correct.
  2. Entering incorrect placements may result in errors in projected KPIs or delivery metrics toward Goals.
  3. Entering incorrect unit counts for inventory will result in incorrect pacing and inventory availability metrics.

2. Revenue Sharing Terms

If you are using BIM on a revenue sharing or partial revenue sharing basis, the terms in this section apply.

  1. Gross Revenue. The defined revenue share in your Order Form is Gross Revenue defined as total amount due and payable by the Sponsor to the Customer on the Sponsorship Contract, Avtivation Order, or Insertion Order.
  2. Revenue Share. The amount to be paid to Blinkfire by the Customer shall be 30% of Gross Revenue.
  3. Payment Threshold. The minimum amount for which a customer will be invoiced is $100 USD. If this Order Form should terminate, the Customer will be invoiced for any balance immediately.
  4. Payment Frequency. For sponsorships paid up front, Customer will be invoiced NET 30 from the signing of the Order between the Customer and their Sponsor.
  5. Audit Rights and Order Verification. For each order defined in BIM, Customer will be required to submit (or upload) a copy of the Media Agreement or Sponsorship Contract.
  6. Confidentiality. For the sake of clarity, any Media Agreements presented Blinkfire will remain confidential in perpetuity and will be used solely for the purpose of auditing values due for payment in exchange for using BIM.

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